Sagittarius Compatibility

The Compatibility of Sagittarius With Other Signs


If Aries and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, it could be quite a match made in paradise! These partners have much in common - related energies and interests - and therefore are highly compatible. Both are explorers and pioneers. This relationship is both torrid and fascinating and...
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If Taurus and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, then it may be an incredibly steamy, passionate marriage, but they need to give themselves time to know about the specific energy that this relationship creates. They have much to benefit in their own union! While Sagittarius thrives when...
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When Gemini and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, then it can be a truly magnificent game! Both of these are very compatible; any rough spots they experience during the course of the relationship are certain to be smoothed over with a minimum of work. Gemini is quite able to provide...
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When Cancer and Sagittarius create a love match, they both need to be patient and give the relationship time to grow and grow older. As it grows, each love partner will find that they have much to offer one another. At first, it only sounds like Sagittarius is that the thrill seeker who enjoys the...
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When Leo and Sagittarius connect together in a love game, the result is often fireworks! Both Signs are really lively and appreciate life to the fullest. This bunch is filled with life and fun to be around, with each person inviting the other to target! Sagittarius's philosophical trend warrants a...
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When Virgo and Sagittarius unite together in a love match, the end result is a well-rounded couple. Sagittarius is an explorer that loves to interact, although Virgo prefers to examine Sag's discoveries. Both love speaking about it with one another. Virgo may demand perfection too soon for...
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The mixing of Libra and Sagittarius may be paradise found for both Signs; this mix is a compatible one, to say the very least. Signs which are just two places apart from the Zodiac tend to get a very deep, special link and comprehension of one another. Sagittarius, the journeyer, is constantly...
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In case a Scorpio and a Sagittarius wish to create a love match, they need to be warned to slow down, then take their time getting to know one person on a heavy, important level or else they run the risk of getting far ahead of them. This relationship may be over before partner even realizes it has...
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When two Sagittarians join together in a love match, the truth-loving natures makes theirs a near perfect relationship. This couple views the world around them with an educated eye and both share an intense hunger for more knowledge. They will engage one another in agreeable conversation and banter...
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If Sagittarius and Capricorn join together in a love match, things can start slow and they can believe they don't have a lot to gain in the other. In some ways, Sagittarius and Capricorn are opposites: Sagittarius is easy going, lively, seeks understanding for its own sake, always jumps headfirst...
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When Sagittarius and Aquarius join together in a love match, Aquarian ideals and Sagittarian understanding combine to make them both a creative and exceptional couple. This venture is uninhibited, and if it might acquire aggressive with these two, there is never a boring moment! Under any intimate...
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When Sagittarius and Pisces join together in a love game, a relationship of realized dreams is formed. Sagittarius is more of a thinker and philosophizer, readily drifting around from one pursuit to another. Pisces is more cerebral, involved with the of their own mindscape. They're opposites in...
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