Free Weekly Horoscopes Predictions

July 22, 2024 - July 28, 2024


Though still active on the home front, thoughts turn to vacations, fun in the sunshine, and a chance to relax and do all the things you don't normally get to do. There's an upbeat party theme in general, particularly on...
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Though you'll be busy juggling plates on the home front, the developing Full Moon, which comes to a head on Friday, can see you in the limelight for one reason or another. If you need an opportunity to share a brilliant...
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This week you'll thrive on new ideas, creative opportunities, and the chance to expand your horizons. If you get the option to network or attend some key social events, consider accepting, as you'll benefit greatly....
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You're in the mood for action this week! Even so, shopping and investing your hard-earned cash could also be a lot of fun. If you haven't treated yourself to a few luxuries or a spa day recently, it's time to do so. You...
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You're in your element and eager to explore creativity, romance, and activities of an entrepreneurial nature. You're at your best when thinking on your feet and organizing things. The Full Moon in Aquarius on Friday...
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The focus on your spiritual sector continues, making this an excellent time to explore hidden depths for creative ideas and other treasures. Try to relax, as inspired thoughts that show up during times of quiet might...
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Certain people may be pushing you to make headway with a goal or plan, particularly if they stand to benefit. While this is all well and good, be sure that you aren't the one making all the effort. If so, you'll need to...
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Your spot in the limelight looks set to continue for some time, so make the most of this chance to showcase your natural brilliance. You may even become known as something of an expert in your field. Saturn in your sign...
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Opportunities for adventure continue to show up, but try to avoid spending on impulse even if one of them seems especially tempting. This week's alignment looks excellent if you're away on vacation or have a chance to...
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Though interactions could be a tad edgy, you'll benefit from being honest rather than keeping your feelings to yourself. Shared finances continue to look positive, making this a good week to pamper yourself and splurge...
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Whether you're doing business or dating someone special, relationships and interactions look positive and upbeat this week. It's time to accept invitations and move in new, exciting circles, as you could benefit by doing...
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Lifestyle issues continue to keep you occupied, which means you'll be busy at work and perhaps at the gym. If you can be creative when it comes to varying your everyday routines, you'll find it easier to stick with them...
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