Leo Profile
Symbol: The Lion
Element: Fire
Group: Intellectual
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Gold, Orange
Key Body Part: Heart, Spine
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Monkey
Ruling Planet: Sun
Cross/Quality: Fixed
House Ruled: Fifth
Opposite Sign: Aquarius
Lucky Gem: Ruby
Everyone notices when the mighty Lion enters center stage. Leo is a creative, outgoing and dramatic sign that has a main keyword of magnetism for good reason. Leo’s charm is fiery and self-assured which makes it almost impossible to resist. A Leo will bring a lot to the table, whether it is time spent with friends and family or efforts on the job scene.
Celebrity Cats: Lawrence Fishburne, Sean Penn, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Kathie Lee Gifford, Robert Redford, Isaiah Washington, Jennifer Lopez, Mick Jagger, Hulk Hogan, Angela Bassett, Charlize Theron, Peter Jennings, Bill Clinton, Joe Elliot of Def Leppard, Hilary Swank, Monica Lewinsky, Mick Jagger, Will Farrell, Robert DeNiro, John Stamos, Steve Martin, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Buck Owens, Frank Gifford, Slash, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Halle Berry, Wesley Snipes, Laurence Fishburne, David Spade, Tony Bennett, Ben Affleck, Ed Norton.
Best compatible with: Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries
committed, friendly, positive, highly energetic, born-leaders, adaptable, calm, sincere, fun-loving
moody, bossy, impulsive, jealous, egoistic, dominating
giving advice, loyalty, taking risks, flattery, protecting their loved ones
pettiness, being dependent on others, doing what is not necessary, boredom, taking orders
- Yesterday
- Today
- Tomorrow
Thursday, February 13, 2025You have excess nervous energy that has nowhere to go today. Unfortunately, if you can't find a way to express it in a healthy manner, you could suddenly lose your temper for no reason at all. However, undertaking a complex project that demands all of your focus is a perfect outlet for your adrenaline. Don't worry about finishing everything you start now; just jump in and get the ball rolling. Your plans will magically come together once you are in motion. Thinking on your feet works in your favor when everything in your world is moving so fast.
Single's love
Bothered by pettiness? Don't let others' bad attitude get in the way of your fun. Some people can't help but hold grudges for the slightest offence. Learn from their mistakes. Forgive and forget.
Couple's love
Have you been looking for a unique gift for your loved one? Surprise them by seeking out and buying a favorite toy from their childhood. They'll be thrilled, both by the gift and by your listening skills!
It's a really great day to show off those talents you've been hiding away from the world. And guess what? Someone, somewhere possesses the same set of skills and strengths. Find this person and work together.
Finance - Money
What is nothing but a small loss for you really hurts someone else. Your pain thresholds are directly tied to your respective bottom lines. Be aware of how the numbers affect everyone around you today, Leo.
Career - Work
Tonight, don't hesitate to throw yourself in the middle of the action on the home front that is. Turn off your phone, power down your computer and just get involved in the lives of others for a change. It'll do you good!