Daily Leo Horoscope


JUL 23 - AVG 22

Leo Profile

Symbol: The Lion
Element: Fire
Group: Intellectual
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Gold, Orange
Key Body Part: Heart, Spine
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Monkey
Ruling Planet: Sun
Cross/Quality: Fixed
House Ruled: Fifth
Opposite Sign: Aquarius
Lucky Gem: Ruby

Everyone notices when the mighty Lion enters center stage. Leo is a creative, outgoing and dramatic sign that has a main keyword of magnetism for good reason. Leo’s charm is fiery and self-assured which makes it almost impossible to resist. A Leo will bring a lot to the table, whether it is time spent with friends and family or efforts on the job scene.

Celebrity Cats: Lawrence Fishburne, Sean Penn, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Kathie Lee Gifford, Robert Redford, Isaiah Washington, Jennifer Lopez, Mick Jagger, Hulk Hogan, Angela Bassett, Charlize Theron, Peter Jennings, Bill Clinton, Joe Elliot of Def Leppard, Hilary Swank, Monica Lewinsky, Mick Jagger, Will Farrell, Robert DeNiro, John Stamos, Steve Martin, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Buck Owens, Frank Gifford, Slash, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Halle Berry, Wesley Snipes, Laurence Fishburne, David Spade, Tony Bennett, Ben Affleck, Ed Norton.

Best compatible with: Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries

Leo Traits

committed, friendly, positive, highly energetic, born-leaders, adaptable, calm, sincere, fun-loving


moody, bossy, impulsive, jealous, egoistic, dominating


giving advice, loyalty, taking risks, flattery, protecting their loved ones


pettiness, being dependent on others, doing what is not necessary, boredom, taking orders

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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Your optimism is a wonderful asset as long as you know when to stop believing your own hype. Unfortunately, you might be so dazzled by your own brilliance today that you lose your ability to make sound decisions. However, taking yourself out of the center of every plot widens your perspective and reveals a whole new spectrum of possibilities. There are many different kinds of success beyond those involving material wealth. Your life improves in surprising ways when you realize you don't have to turn everything you touch into gold.

Single's love

Someone close to you is trying to tell you something, but you're not picking up on the hints. If you sense hesitancy, come right out in the open and ask for clarification. You won't offend anyone by trying to get a straight answer.

Couple's love

Your matter-of-fact manner might baffle your partner, but you simply have many things to do and no time to waste. Tell them what's going on. That way they won't misinterpret your manner and get hurt feelings.


You make an unusual call early today, and either refrain from buying something you really want or call a friend out on some bit of bad behavior that you would ordinarily let slide. Roll with it.

Finance - Money

Nurturing your family can wait another day or two or three. For now, focus on making money, or at least blocking out those who would plot to take what's yours.

Career - Work

You'll start to slink out of the spotlight today. It's not that you don't love the adulation, but it's hard to get work done with a spotlight blinding your eyes. A quiet corner suits your needs better than a pedestal.

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