Weekly Leo Horoscope


JUL 23 - AVG 22

Leo Profile

Symbol: The Lion
Element: Fire
Group: Intellectual
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Gold, Orange
Key Body Part: Heart, Spine
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Monkey
Ruling Planet: Sun
Cross/Quality: Fixed
House Ruled: Fifth
Opposite Sign: Aquarius
Lucky Gem: Ruby

Everyone notices when the mighty Lion enters center stage. Leo is a creative, outgoing and dramatic sign that has a main keyword of magnetism for good reason. Leo’s charm is fiery and self-assured which makes it almost impossible to resist. A Leo will bring a lot to the table, whether it is time spent with friends and family or efforts on the job scene.

Celebrity Cats: Lawrence Fishburne, Sean Penn, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Kathie Lee Gifford, Robert Redford, Isaiah Washington, Jennifer Lopez, Mick Jagger, Hulk Hogan, Angela Bassett, Charlize Theron, Peter Jennings, Bill Clinton, Joe Elliot of Def Leppard, Hilary Swank, Monica Lewinsky, Mick Jagger, Will Farrell, Robert DeNiro, John Stamos, Steve Martin, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Buck Owens, Frank Gifford, Slash, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Halle Berry, Wesley Snipes, Laurence Fishburne, David Spade, Tony Bennett, Ben Affleck, Ed Norton.

Best compatible with: Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries

Leo Traits

committed, friendly, positive, highly energetic, born-leaders, adaptable, calm, sincere, fun-loving


moody, bossy, impulsive, jealous, egoistic, dominating


giving advice, loyalty, taking risks, flattery, protecting their loved ones


pettiness, being dependent on others, doing what is not necessary, boredom, taking orders


September 16, 2024 - September 22, 2024

You may be tempted to make a purchase or business decision that isn't right for you. If someone tries to manipulate you into buying or signing, don't let them! Take the time to research your options and find out if there are better ones out there. You could save yourself a lot of time and money. Saturn hikes back into your romance and creativity zone, which could see you eager to excel at a hobby or sport even if it means more hard work.

Love - Romantic

Whoever thinks of you as fixed in your ideas ought to see how quickly you change your mind about some matter of the heart at the beginning of the week. Call it a lightning-quick learning curve, and keep it going through Wednesday and Thursday, when the more open you are to change, the happier your heart will be in the end. Getting stuck is worse than possibly making a mistake now; keep moving. From Friday through the weekend, you're a social animal, and a sexy one at that. So you're indecisive plenty of time for choosing later.

Business - Money

Ego and reputation will be important early this week; you'll need just enough of each without going overboard. Assert yourself boldly when it's called for, but make sure nobody thinks you're out of control. Teamwork will be essential for meeting goals midweek, and you'll be the perfect hub. People will get along famously with you, and you'll be able to translate between folks who aren't on the same page. If things are going well Friday, you'll feel great but if there's anything that's a little bit off, you might spiral into some serious discomfort.

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JUL 23 - AVG 22
AVG 23 - SEP 22
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