Daily Libra Horoscope


SEP 23 - OCT 22

Libra Profile

Symbol: The Scales
Element: Air
Group: Intellectual
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Blue
Key Body Part: Kidneys
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Dog
Ruling Planet: Venus
Cross/Quality: Cardinal
House Ruled: Seventh
Opposite Sign: Aries
Lucky Gem: Sapphire

The main keyword for this sign is “I balance”, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libra will always be the leader of the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very vital for the Libran, particularly those on a personal level. They have a cooperative style and winning personalities, they are not apt to being alone for a long period of time.

Celebrity Scales: Mario Lopez, Will Smith, Andrew Dice Clay, Natalie Maines, Matt Damon, David Lee Roth, Armand Assante, Gwen Stefani, Sylvia Browne, Tanya Tucker, Kate Walsh, Neve Campbell, Randy Quaid, Eminem, John Mellencamp, Truman Capote, John Lennon, Chevy Chase, Snoop Dogg, Tom Petty, Sharon Osbourne, Sammy Hagar, Suzanne Sommers, Julie Andrews, Sting, Cindy Margolis, Meatloaf, Evel Knieval, Simon Cowell, Heather Locklear, Van Damme.

Best compatible with: Leo, Sagittarius

Libra Traits

hospitable, peaceful, graceful, idealistic, charming, kind


indecisive, vain, unreliable, superficial


facts, harmony, balance, logic, peace, arguments


being wrong, rudeness, unfairness, rushing into decisions

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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Your plan to catch up on all the little things that you recently let slide makes it difficult to relax now. But your good intentions may not be enough to shift you into the right gear. Although you know what you must do to reach your destination, all you really want to do is chill. Nevertheless, don't postpone your chores. Making smart use of your time in the present moment is the quickest way to get the rest you seek.

Single's love

Explore high ideas by renting some award-winning documentaries. Feed your brain with facts and well-documented research instead of the usual drivel. Chat with your crush about the films to see where opinions lie.

Couple's love

Change is inevitable, and there's nothing to be afraid of. Think about it. How boring would it be if your sweetie never altered a bit from the day you met them? Keep an open mind to growth and change.


You need to slow things down a lot. No matter how into it you think you are, you have to take the extra time to think it all through. Otherwise, you may end up biting off more than you can chew.

Finance - Money

A long term project may be coming to a close today. Be careful with how you tie up the loose ends. You want the landing to be as slow and gentle as the launch was fast and furious. How you handle the end affects your future.

Career - Work

If you're hesitating, take it as a sign to look at the situation more intently. You won't miss out if you put off making a big decision until you're absolutely certain how to handle it. In fact, you'll come out a winner in the long run.

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