Monthly Virgo Horoscope


AVG 23 - SEP 22

Virgo Profile

Symbol: The Virgin
Element: Earth
Group: Intellectual
Polarity: Negative
Favorable Colors: Green, dark brown
Key Body Part: Nervous System
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Rooster
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Cross/Quality: Mutable
House Ruled: Sixth
Opposite Sign: Pisces
Lucky Gem: Sardonyx

Virgo is the sign in the zodiac that is most dedicate to service and it has an acute attention to detail. They have a deep sense of humane which makes them the best caregivers, while their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often delicate and gentle, and it prefers to take a step back to analyze before going forward.

Celebrity Virgins: Shania Twain, Prince Harry, John Ritter, Mother Teresa, Hugh Grant, Billy Ray Cyrus, Shirley Manson, Beyonce Knowles, Michael Jackson, Chandra Wilson, Richard Gere, David Copperfield, Jennifer Nettles, Keanu Reeves, Tommy Lee Jones, Agatha Christie, Paul Reubens, Ricki Lake, Stephen King, Faith Hill, Pink, Nicole Richie, Rick Springfield, Raquel Welch, Charlie Sheen, Terry Bradshaw, Scott Baio, Cameron Diaz, Joan Jett.

Best compatible with: Taurus, Capricorn

Virgo Traits

analytical, emotionally strong, confident, helpful, reliable, observant, patient


skeptical, conservative, restless, inflexible, overcritical, fussy


being helpful, being part of a team, doing things in an orderly way, being social


revealing secrets, vulgarity, crowds, careless behavior, disorganization


October 2024

Confusion vanishes around you as Mercury goes stationary direct in Virgo on October 9. Money could improve for you with the New Moon on October 12. The Sun enters emotional Scorpio on October 23, but a Venus/Pluto trine will keep you calm. Any annoying financial matter can more easily be settled now. People want to be good to you. Let your horizons gently broaden and your view of the world gets a bit more beautiful and forgiving at the Full Moon on October 27. You don't have to solve the world's problems, but you might meet someone or learn something that lightens your heart.

Love - Romantic

Love is in the air for Virgo natives this month, as astrological influences come together. On the 6th and 7th, you're falling in a big way. Even if you've been together forever, you're constantly discovering new things to love about each other. By the 10th and 11th, you may need to double and even triple check that you're on the same page about a shared decision. It'll just land you in trouble if you go off on your own without consulting your love. Discuss all the ins and outs before making a choice. By the 11th, 12th, or 13th, your love is ready to bloom in a brand new way! This is a very lucky time, so if you want to implement new plans or goals, now is the time to get started. Single Virgos know what they want, but sometimes may not know where to find it in their romantic lives. During these few days, listen to your intuitive voice, which may be trying to tell you where to look for new dating partners. Things heat up for you later in the month. By the 23rd and 24th, you're finding it hard to focus on your regular life. Can you help it if your partner's that irresistible?

Business - Money

In October comes personal discoveries that you are more imaginative than you think you are. There are lots of ideas in the subconscious waiting to be fed by the creative vision, unless we respond: I don't use that at work. I go by the rules." Or, "I tried imagining once and got suspended." On the 8th, if the word imagination scares you, call it innovation! Use it today because it works for you. As icing on the cake, your lucky days are the afternoon of the 8th and all day on the 9th. Of course, if you are job hunting this is when you should check possibilities and send resumes. From the 12th to the 21st, do something in a big way. It's a very fortunate transit for extra insight into other's motivations and the positive exposure of those who bring out the best in you and not the stress. There's a stir of activities that makes you enthusiastic between the 22nd and 23rd. If receptive, you gain from unexpected arrivals and/or circumstances starting the 27th through the end of the month. Your only challenge in November is resistance to change. Too much comfort prevents growth. The cosmos dares you to take a few calculated risks.

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Monthly Horoscope

MAR 21 - APR 19
APR 20 - MAY 20
MAY 21 - JUN 20
JUN 21 - JUL 22
JUL 23 - AVG 22
AVG 23 - SEP 22
SEP 23 - OCT 22
OCT 23 - NOV 21
NOV 22 - DEC 21
DEC 22 - JAN 19
JAN 20 - FEB 18
FEB 19 - MAR 20