Monthly Aries Horoscope


MAR 21 - APR 19

Aries Profile

Symbol: The Ram
Element: Fire
Group: Emotional
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Red
Key Body Part: Head
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Dragon
Ruling Planet: Mars
Cross/Quality: Cardinal
House Ruled: First
Opposite Sign: Libra
Lucky Gem: Diamond

Aries is regarded as the first Zodiac sign and its presence always shows the start of something boisterous and energetic. Not much holds this sign back. They're eager, dynamic, quick, and competitive. If you are looking for someone to get the ball rolling, an Aries is the perfect choice. They are great pioneers and they can pioneer everything from work-related projects to parties with friends, these folks go for the gusto.

Celebrity Rams: Roy Clark, Ewan McGregor, Hugh Hefner, Kevin Federline, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mariah Carey, Marcia Cross, Joan Crawford, T.R. Knight, Selena, Vanessa Williams, Elizabeth Montgomery, Jennifer Garner, Star Jones, Rosie O'Donnell, Spike Lee, Eric Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Steven Tyler, David Letterman, Hugh Hefner, Shannon Doherty, Lucy Lawless.

Best compatible with: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini

Aries Traits

brave, highly energetic, enthusiastic, determined, generous, confident, optimistic


dominating, impatient, selfish, impulsive, self-centered


being first, taking action, challenges, freedom to explore


being disappointed, having a boss, being ignored, waiting


July 2024

The July 1 Full Moon might make you feel less secure at work, but you won't let it show. It's easy to overreact to a threat that isn't there. Reward yourself at home with some extra fun. Is there something new you'd like to work on? Use the July 15 New Moon to pamper that desire and see what great things you can finish. Be inspiring and impress friends and family. Friends want you to party under the July 31 Full Moon. If you don't feel like it, that's fine. You have plenty of fun stuff to do at home.

Love - Romantic

You and your partner begin the month needing a little bit of time apart. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd have a potential for tension, so if you're hanging out, it's best not to bring up the big issues right now. Make sure it doesn't seem like you're ignoring your special someone, or their feelings may get hurt. On the 7th and 8th, astrological aspects may again bring up issues between you. Whatever hasn't been spoken may need to be talked about now. Even if it's uncomfortable, trying to find a way to speak your truth is required. By the 15th, this cycle is over, thankfully. You're leaving behind all the crazy work hours and spending a little more time at home, making your space more fun and inviting. Show your partner how much you care by preparing a homemade meal, or just getting some super comfy sheets for the two of you. By the 19th and 20th, you may fall head over heels all over again. Single Rams should be on the lookout for someone who makes their heart beat a little faster. By the 30th and 31st, your open mind has you considering dating someone normally not your type. It's worth the adventure to get to know this person.

Business - Money

The focus this month is on repairing burned bridges, and you truly haven't taken down all of them. Some are only scorched. Not all would be about THAT type of alienation, perhaps it means just remembering good advice from someone incredibly helpful at the beginning of your career (this includes how much they encouraged you to remind you why). July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are opportune times to network and to widen your circle of associates and friends who will play a big part in future successes. Your lucky day this month is the 7th. If drifting around the edge of talking about something, let it out. The things you can't talk about remain a big mystery when you don't want it to. If job hunting send resumes and strike gold. Expect a few far-reaching changes on July 13th and 14th that result in opportunities for growth. July 22nd and 23rd accent creativity which can also mean a stimulating urge to express something to an audience. Eagerly await the soon-to-come praise. The month ends in the discovery that you didn't throw an opportunity away and you have a second chance to make a comeback. You'll make strides in August, but have a plan.

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Monthly Horoscope

MAR 21 - APR 19
APR 20 - MAY 20
MAY 21 - JUN 20
JUN 21 - JUL 22
JUL 23 - AVG 22
AVG 23 - SEP 22
SEP 23 - OCT 22
OCT 23 - NOV 21
NOV 22 - DEC 21
DEC 22 - JAN 19
JAN 20 - FEB 18
FEB 19 - MAR 20