Gemini Profile
Symbol: The Twins
Element: Air
Group: Emotional
Polarity: Positive
Favorable Colors: Green
Key Body Part: Arms, Shoulders, Lungs
Chinese Zodiac Counterpart: Horse
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Cross/Quality: Mutable
House Ruled: Third
Opposite Sign: Sagittarius
Lucky Gem: Agate
The main keyword for thus dual sign is versatility. The Gemini presents themselves in two different types of personality; quick-witted and expressive, and you can never be sure with which one you are going to meet face-to-face. On one hand, the Gemini can be flirtatious, communicative, outgoing and ready for fun, fun, fun. However, when the other twin is present, you can find this air sign serious, restless, contemplative and even indecisive. Both of the twins are capable of adapting to life’s circumstances well, making them excellent people to know. Things are never boring when a Gemini is on the scene.
Celebrity Twins: Lenny Kravitz, Jewell, Elizabeth Hurley, Paul Lynde, Ashley Olsen, Tom Jones, Mark Wahlberg, Kanye West, Marilyn Monroe, Wynonna Judd, Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Harp, Stevie Nicks, Donald Trump, Morgan Freeman, Drew Carey, Mary Kate, Suze Orman, Paula Abdul, Kanye West, Michael J Fox, Waylon Jennings, Jeffrey Dahmer, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Colin Farrell , Lionel Richie, Dean Martin.
Best compatible with: Aquarius, Libra
adjustable, imaginative, energetic, clever, witty
superficial, indecisive, restless, impulsive
using their imagination, conversations, people with a sense of humor, solving problems
being pinned down, growing old, being bored, people who are set in their ways
February 10, 2025 - February 16, 2025A sense of responsibility can keep you busy with plans and new ideas, but there's benefit to be gained from a willingness to be of service. News received from friend could put you in a good mood, especially if it concerns a project you're working on together. Finally, if you feel an urge to study, don't put it off. By taking a course or class or getting a qualification, you could be doing yourself a big favor further down the line.
Love - Romantic
Romantically, the week starts out with a bang. You and you-know-who are glowing in each other's company. There are a lot of other things you probably should be doing, but you're having a hard time concentrating on anything else. A friend might be willing to pick up some slack for you. Return the favor on Tuesday or Wednesday, and later in the week Thursday though Saturday if you have tickets to a show or something and you-know-who can't make it, take your friend instead. Bonding with an old pal: It'll be great. Sunday is confusing.
Business - Money
You're hot stuff at work as the week begins, but your romantic potential's way up, too. Don't waste your time off now when you can do so much! Starting sometime Wednesday, however, it's time to buckle down. Even the abstract issues or unknown quantities respond to your serious investigation now and the careful projections you make at this juncture can be extremely helpful into the future. (Don't forget to regularly reassess, of course.) And when the weekend comes, your agile intelligence can get your into an opportune position. See how it fits.